Capital spending, exports and the consumer drive the economy, overcoming fiscal drag. 资本支出、出口以及消费者三项因素推动经济增长并突破财政障碍。
Many forecasters expect the fiscal drag in 2014 to be one-third that amount, or less. 许多预测人士认为,2014年财政因素对经济增速的拖累幅度将是2013年的三分之一或更低。
Fiscal policy has been a 'substantial drag' on the economy in the short-run, she said. 她说,短期来看,财政政策对经济造成相当大的拖累。
Together with the impact of fiscal drag from economic growth and inflation, this generates the rising share of revenue in GDP. 再加上经济增长和通胀对财政的拉动作用,最终会导致财政收入在gdp中所占比重提高。
Even Ben Bernanke is publicly confessing concerns that fiscal deficits like the ones being projected for the near future will serve as a serious drag on the economy. 甚至连伯克南也公开表达了担忧,即不久将来的财政赤字将会严重拖经济发展的后腿。
The enhanced fiscal drag tied to austerity programmes such as those in Greece, Portugal and Spain must have come as a nasty shock. 与类似希腊、葡萄牙和西班牙等国的紧缩方案相联系的财政拖累(fiscaldrag)提高,肯定造成了非常严重的冲击。
Lower interest rates then boost private sector spending, partially offsetting the fiscal drag from higher taxes and government spending cuts. 较低的利率水平然后会提振私人部门的支出,部分抵消增税以及政府减支带来的财政拖累(fiscaldrag)。
At the very least, the federal government should introduce additional stimulus measures to offset the substantial fiscal drag that is slated to occur this year and next when current stimulus measures expire. 最起码,联邦政府应出台更多刺激性措施,以抵消当前刺激措施到期后今明两年必将发生的巨大财政拖累(fiscaldrag)。
The Federal Reserve will thus be able to ease monetary policy then to offset the fiscal drag. 美联储就可以放松货币政策来偿还这些负债。
But in a liquidity trap, with interest rates stuck at zero, there is no offset to the fiscal drag. 但在陷入流动性陷阱的情况下,由于利率水平已固定在零点、无法进一步降低,财政拖累无法得到抵消。
Thanks to the expiry of a payroll-tax credit and extended jobless benefits in December, the United States is on course for a fiscal contraction of some 2% of GDP next year, the biggest of any large economy-and enough to drag a weak economy into recession. 由于工资税减免政策和延长的失业补贴于今年12月份终止,明年美国的财政紧缩将达到国内生产总值的2%左右,这是任何大经济体中紧缩幅度最大的,足以让疲软的经济陷入衰退。